Kathryn McHugh

December 21, 2009
Kathryn H. McHugh, 64, died unexpectedly on Monday evening, December 21, 2009. Born in Salem on September 1, 1945, she was the daughter of the late Thomas and Helen (Cassidy) McHugh. She was raised in Danvers and was a graduate of the former Nazareth Academy in Wakefield, Class of 1963. Ms. McHugh was employed as an administrator with GTE Sylvania for many years until the time of her retirement. A lifelong Danvers resident, she was a communicant of Saint Richard Parish. She is survived by a brother, Joseph McHugh of Stockbridge, GA, a niece, Joanna Folse of New Orleans, LA, and two nephews, Thomas McHugh of Woodstock, GA and Patrick McHugh of Longmeadow. Her Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, December 24, 2009 at 9AM in Saint Richard Church, 90 Forest St., Danvers. Burial will follow in Annunciation Cemetery, Danvers. Relatives and friends are invited. As requested, there are no visiting hours. In lieu of flowers, donations in Ms. McHugh’s name may be made to the American Cancer Society, 30 Speen St., Framingham, MA 01701.
Thinking of you and praying that you’ll find strength in knowing that Kathy is resting in God’s care. We knew Kathy during the years she worked at Sylvania and thought so much of her. With retirement, we lost contact and are saddened by her passing. God bless you all. With Sympathy, Jerry and Charlotte Schilling
Dear Joe and Family, Please accept my condolences on the loss of Kathy. I just heard about it and I feel terrible. Kathy and I go back a long way. I still remember our days at OLN and the fun and many laughs we used to have together. Also, our good times at each other’s homes. It has been too long since our last long phone conversation and I shall miss our talks. Sincerely, Jack and Sharon Hughes
Dear Joe and Family, Please accept our condolences on the loss of Kathy. I just heard and I feel terrible. I still fondly remember our days at OLN and the many laughs we used to have, along with very good times. It has been several months since Kathy and I had one of our many long talks on the phone, and I shall miss her. Sincerely, Jack and Sharon Hughes
Not sure if you remember me but Kathy and I were very good friends all through St Thomas’s. And though I live in Vt and have since 1970 my sister still lives in DAnvers and she sent me the obituary. I spent many happy hours at your home. I’ve tried a number of times to get to Kathy in recent years even looking up her old classmates at Nazareth Academy- to no avail. Please know how very sorry I am for your loss. I was talking to a former Lawrence St classmate – Pat Sullivan the other day. She had two brothers Freddie (SJP class of 62- now a Frderal Judge and David DHS). She moved back to the area to care for her ailing Dad who passed away last year. Your parents were very special to me as well – and introduced me to my first submarine from Betty Ann’s Remember that place? Anyway Joe I am praying for Kathy and wish you and your family a blessed , albeit sad Christmas. Pat Kiely Nowak