Michael Scott Oxton

michael oxton
Michael Scott Oxton, 35, died Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at Beverly Hospital from injuries sustained from a fall. Born in Beverly on March 18, 1980, he was the loving son of Ann M. Oxton of Danvers. He was raised and educated in Beverly and Salem. Mikey was employed at several moving companies. He enjoyed camping and hiking, loved playing video games, and was a faithful friend. In addition to his beloved mother and her boyfriend, Dean Wright, he leaves two aunts, Brenda Sidmore and her husband Richard of Malden and Debby Oxton of Beverly, his uncle Peter Oxton of Beverly, his cousins Christopher, Jeff, Daniel, Scott, and Eric, a loving extended family, and many dear friends. He was predeceased by his grandparents, Phineas and Evelyn Oxton, and an uncle, Bruce Oxton. His funeral service will be Saturday, May 2, 2015 at 1PM in C.R. Lyons & Sons Funeral Directors, 28 Elm St., Danvers Square. Relatives and friends are invited. Burial will be private and there are no visiting hours. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Salvation Army, 93 North Street, Salem, MA 01970.

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Memories Timeline


  1. I remember the day we meet.
    I was walking on Essex.
    Looking for peeps to hack with.
    Then this short dude with a 10speed twice his size. Says ya. Surve it up. I kinda lol to my self. And to my surprised. That dude got skills. We where fam from that day forward. I’d take a bullet for that kid. Love you man.
    Love will always be with you. And you will live forever in the hearts of all that loves you. Blessingz brother. Give our love to Twitch 👊🙌🙌🌹🌹

  2. I have so many wonderful memories of my nephew Michael. The funniest memory of Michael is one that happened on a trip to a cabin in the White Mountains of N.H. It was bedtime for the boys and they would not go to sleep. They kept giggling and whispering all evening. I finally gave up trying to get them to go to sleep and headed off to bed myself. As soon as I entered my room, the boys fell silent. I turned back the covers to discover a snake coiled up in my bed. Howls of laughter erupted from the other room as I screamed in terror. The boys, led by Michael had put a toy snake in my bed.I had the last laugh as I put it in Michael’s bed the next night and listened as he screamed in terror. Rest in peace my fun loving nephew.

  3. Mikey is one of the sweetest guy’s I’ve ever known! We go way back I remember sleeping at his house almost every night, he was legit family to me! I’d give my right arm too have him back just for one of his phone calls! The last time we actually hung out was a week before Christmas he made dinner and brought over desert, we wrapped up presents for my kids and slept in the same bed! I wish I would have held on to him that night!😢 I never ever imagined that would be our last time chillin! Mikey was my little mighty soldier he’s been there for me so many times when my ex’s disrespected me he was the first to go best mode, never let his size fool you! His strength was as big as his heart! I will ALWAYS love you baby boy! Fly with the angles I know you’re at peace and feel all the love you have here miss you so much my newest angel RIP XOXO

  4. So many memories so much love we always laughed about the time about 20 years ago he helped me move and of course refused to be paid so I thought of the 1 thing he wouldn’t say no to so he is the only person I ever paid with a magic the gathering card

  5. You “Always” Were & ARE The Man Sir Mikey>> Will “Forever” Carry Your Sparkling Blue Eyes & Beautiful “Smile & Laughter” In My Heart Forever Sir>>Thank You For Being A “Shining STAR” In My Universe>>ALWAYS “Your”Walta Type Bear>>R.I.P.

  6. I remember the first day i saw a hacky sac. It was salem commons and an odd shape hack circle featuring some of the tallest people i know and one that was actualy my size..mickey, indroduced himself as silky the pimp, i laughed, we fought and it was for a mutual respect we would of never been closeer then brothers, i learnd to hack from this kid and i still rememver the day he said he was proud of me for being better them him.

  7. I met Mikey when I was 14 on the streets of Salem. Mikey, Alan, Twitch, Skippy and so many others became my big brothers over the course of so many years. I lived with Mikey and Justin during my pregnancy, and I couldn’t have asked for better people to lean on then. I disappeared after I had my son, I “got out”.. like so many couldn’t. But 5 years later, Mikey contacted me and changed my life. He risked his neck doing so. He got his ass kicked later for doing so. It was the definition of bravery, and it was who Mikey was. Not afraid, ever. Loyal to the end. Thanks, man, you’ll never know how much that meant to me.

  8. MIke you know how much you meant to me, this was such a huge shock. You are by far the most sincere and true friend anyone could have had. You touched alot of people it sucks that this the way you have to find out. You took public transportation the day after you got out of the farm to see me in the hospital in Jamaica Plain. Not easy from Danvers. I can go on and on. Till we meet again Fluffy!

  9. I was so sadden to hear of Mickey’s passing . My son (Twitch) and Mickey were best
    friends. Their friendship started in Cub Scouts .A friendship that spanned over 20 years .Mickey was family to us.
    Fly on Angels Wings Mickey. You and Justin are at peace now, together again

    Valerie, and Dave

  10. So i knew mike for a long time..i met him 1998.his huge personality and good heart made him a friend .he always say hi.and treated me like friend.even whn some of his friends didnt care for me.
    Way always good for a smk and great conversation.
    To his family and g.f.my deepest condolences.
    From a fellow addict in recovery,To mike i say rest now.ur pain and tribulations are over,sleep now u are int the arms of the angels now.i lite candle and incence,a speak with intent.goddess welcome him home into ur loveing arms.well see you when we get home,goodbye mike,and thankyou for be ing you.

  11. Mikey was a real friend who no matter what was going on we always spoke. And we always left our conversations with I love you. Just as we did that saturday. He spoke with Lily and Bradley and made sure I was to tell keri he loves her. We have been friends since middle school. And he has shared many holiday dinners together. We also got many years of fun with all of our mutual friends to cherish. He has been a staple in the killam family for many many years and will always be. You always been there for me. And I hope know u still always will. I love you and think about u still..just as I did before this horrific aaccident. The killam family loves you. And will never forget all the love u gave.

  12. I hung out w mike when lived in Salem ma in the 80s and 90s.as far as real people go,mike was 100%.if he said he was gonna do something,you could count on it.we had too many good times to list,but forever in my mind will be chilling,singing mr bungle.he was the only person I knew back then that knew who they were.countless good times,wish there could’ve been more.I’ll miss you brotha

  13. I was 15 or so when I met Mikey. I was way younger than everyone else but he always gave me a chance to hang out. I knew him in his final days as well and it still hasn’t sunk in that I’m never going to see him again. I’ll miss u more than u know brother. Thanks for everything though buddy. U always had my back and I’ll always have yours.

  14. i will miss micheal alot he was a excellent person his mother lives with my brother dean wright he would help anybody that needed help i will miss seeing him at my brothers house i am gald i got to know him and mike always would help me if i needed help he always gave me good advice all the time i will miss you mike linda m phillips

  15. I will miss Mickey very much he was such a great person with a huge heart. He was so loving, smart, and loyal to the many people who were lucky enough to know him. I have so many wonderful memories and will forever remember the good times we shared.

    January Taylor

  16. I will never forget all the times we had. So sad to see such a kind hearted caring love g person go so soon. Watching you grow up I’m glad I was able to introduce you to my family and that they taught you a trade and as you said to me help shape you into the man you became. The whole family misses you and we will never forget you. So today I am not saying goodbye I am saying rest easy till you meet me at those crossroads and we can see each other again. You may be gone but you will never be forgotten and I will always save our last conversation so I cannot forget where to pick it back up.. Love you mikey…

  17. To Ann and your family. I was shocked to hear of Michael’s death. I truly believe a mother will never stop grieving for her child. My heart breaks for you. To not see his beautiful smile again. To hug him. My deepest sympathy Ann. Sincerely. Bettie Jervah

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