William F. Marinan

December 13, 1929 ~ May 29, 2014
Brother William F. Marinan, C.F.X., died Thursday morning, May 29, 2014 in Mary Immaculate Nursing Home, Lawrence. He had been a member of the Congregation of the Brothers of Saint Francis Xavier for sixty-seven years.
Born in Worcester on December 13, 1929, he was the son of the late Michael J. and Anna M. (Sullivan) Marinan. He was raised and educated in Worcester and was a graduate of St. John’s High School, Class of 1947. He entered the Xaverian Brothers that same year, receiving the religious name Brother LaSalle. He furthered his education with degrees from St. John’s University and Fordham University. His teaching apostolate brought him first to Brooklyn, New York, teaching at Holy Name and Holy Cross Schools and later at Saint Theresa’s School. He had taught at Leonard Hall School in Leonardtown, Maryland and Saint Jerome’s School in Hyattsville, Maryland prior to becoming the Principal at Saint Jude’s School in Rockville, Maryland for 16 years. He also taught at Saint Catherine Laboure School in Wheaton, Maryland before becoming the Principal for Saint Philip the Apostle School in Camp Spring, Maryland for six years. He served as Pastoral Associate at Our Lady of Grace Church in Silver Spring, Maryland prior to his retirement. Upon his retirement, he joined the Brothers’ community at Xaverian House in Danvers in 2010.
In addition to his brothers in religion and his cousin, Sister Ruth Virginia Quinn of the Sisters of St Joseph of Springfield, Brother William is survived by several nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his brother, John J. Marinan and his sister, Anne M. O’Rourke.
His Funeral Mass will be celebrated on Monday, June 2, 2014 in the Saint John’s Preparatory School Chapel (Admin Bldg.) at 3PM. A visitation will precede the funeral beginning at 2PM. Burial will follow in the Xaverian Brothers’ Cemetery, Danvers. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Xaverian Brothers’ Retirement Fund, 4409 Frederick Ave., Baltimore, MD 21229.
The 1957 boys graduating class of Holy Name School in Brooklyn,New York had the pleasure and sometimes not so pleasurable experience of Brother LaSalle. We had him for 5A and again for 6B. Behind his back we called him Lassie and woe be the one who got caught uttering that name. Without question, he was probably the favorite of our class. He could be found in the school yard shooting baskets both at recess and after school when he had the time. My best friend Terry Ames even took the name “LaSalle” for Confirmation. I spoke to him on the phone in August of 2007 when we were having a 50th reunion of the Class of “57. We invited him to Brooklyn but he was unable to make it due to health reasons. He was remembered fondly.
Bill Griffon…………..Carmel, California